Four Seasons HK: ARGO

Photo: Argo
Wall 1

Wall 2

"The bar takes its name from the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts who sailed on the ship called Argo in search of the Golden Fleece. Inspired by this story of journey and discovery, the bar aims to serve as a vessel for innovation and exploration, challenging the way we think about drinks."
- Tatum Ancheta - Timeout Hong Kong

The Creative Process
These hand-crafted paper-sculptures were made to reflect the beauty of Mother nature. The textures of the original sculptures were separated digitally and printed individually on high quality Verona watercolour papers. Afterward, they were cut-out and then mounted on a base structure to form the shape of the insect. It was the ideal method to recreate the original floral creations without being bound by the ephemerality of organic materials.